API Documents
Common Response Codes
Those responses codes could be in any API because they are the common responses.
Response Codes | Description |
-1 | Login fails. |
-2 | API used too frequently. |
-3 | Invalid agent.(only works for agent users) |
-4 | Not in this agent.(only works for agent users) |
-7 | No permission to use this API. |
-8 | Account got prohibited. |
85 | Account logged-on in another place and your request got rejected. |
-99 | This API is not ready to be used.No rush. |
1 | Action completed successfully. |
2 | POST method only. |
3 | Unknown errors. |
6 | Invalid user_id.(only works for agent users) |
7 | User is not under this agent.(only works for agent users) |
Last updated on 2020-12-23 07:08
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