API Documents
Documentation API Documents Common Request Parameters

Common Request Parameters

A complete DNSPod API request requires two types of request parameters: common request parameters and API request parameters. This document describes five common request parameters that DNSPod API requests require.
Common request parameters are required in every API. When you send requests using DNSPod APIs, please make sure that the requests contain both common request parameters and API request parameters.

Parameter Required Description
login_token Yes The API token used for authentication.
format {json,xml} No The format of response. Its default value is “xml”. “json” is highly recommended.
error_on_empty {yes,no} No Whether to return an error when there are no results.
user_token(deprecated) No The user token obtained with the Auth command.


  • For methods of generating API tokens, see Key Management. API authentication method has been upgraded to token. A complete API token is in the format of "ID,token".
  • To ensure security, the old authentication method of "username + password" is no longer supported. Developers should use login_token for authentication.
  • There can be only one user_token or login_token. A new user_token is not supported.
Last updated on 2020-12-23 07:15

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