curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Listsubdomain -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:12:24" }, "domain": { "id": "9", "name": "dnspod.com", "punycode": "dnspod.com", "grade": "DP_Free", "owner": "yizerowu@dnspod.com" }, "subdomain": [ "@" ] }
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Listsubvalue -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346&subdomain=@'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:14:17" }, "domain": { "id": "9", "name": "dnspod.com", "punycode": "dnspod.com", "grade": "DP_Free" }, "points": { "max": 3, "list": { "ctc-4": "Hangzhou, Telecom, CN", "usa-1": "HE, CA, US", "hk-1": "PCCW, HK" } }, "balance": 8, "records": [ { "id": "50", "area": "Default", "value": "", "record_type": "A", "sub_domain": "@" } ] }
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.List -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:21:00" }, "info": { "total_count": 1, "down_count": 0 }, "monitors": [ { "monitor_id": "792626", "domain": "usertest.com", "domain_id": "15132", "domain_grade": "DP_Free", "record_id": "283118", "sub_domain": "eeee", "record_line": "Default", "ip": "", "now_ip": "", "host": "eeee.usertest.com", "port": "80", "monitor_type": "http", "monitor_path": "/", "monitor_interval": "180", "points": "hk-1,usa-1,ctc-4", "bak_ip": "auto", "status": "Ok", "status_code": "200", "sms_notice": "me", "email_notice": "me", "weixin_notice": "", "less_notice": "yes", "callback_url": "", "callback_key": "", "monitor_status": "enabled", "created_on": "2014-06-05 10:20:41", "updated_on": "2014-06-05 10:20:41", "bak_ip_status": [], "delay_notify": "60", "warnasdown": "", "sms2voice": "" } ] }
Global Parameters
domain_id The domain id. Mandatory parameter.
record_id The record id. Mandatory parameter.
port The port number to monitor like 80. Mandatory parameter.
monitor_interval Monitoring spacing.Ranged {60|180|360|}. Mandatory parameter.
host The host from the http header like “www.dnspod.com”. Mandatory parameter.
monitor_type {http|https} The monitor type. Mandatory parameter.
monitor_path The request path from the http header like “/”. Mandatory parameter.
points The points to use.Split by ”,”.You can choose it from the list of your own grade. Mandatory parameter.
keep_ttl TTL won’t be changed if this is set. Mandatory parameter.
sms_notice “me” for the owner,and “share” for the shared users.Split by ”,” if there are more than one like “me,share”. Mandatory parameter.
email_notice Same as the sms_notice.
less_notice {yes|no} Whether to just send one notice within one hour. Mandatory parameter.
callback_url The callback URL.All the data will be sent to this URL when the IP is down.For more details,please see the directions.Optional parameter.
callback_key The callback key.If “callback_url” is set up,you should set this up too for security.
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Create -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346&record_id=16909160&port=80&monitor_type=http&monitor_path=/&monitor_interval=360&points=ctc,cuc,cmc&bak_ip=pass&host=testapi.com'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 21:25:30" }, "monitor": { "monitor_id": "6aac176e-363a-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970", "record_id": 16909160 } }
Global Parameters
monitor_id Monitor id. Mandatory parameter.
port The port number to monitor like 80. Mandatory parameter.
monitor_interval {60|180|360|} The monitor interval. Mandatory parameter.
monitor_type {http|https} The monitor type. Mandatory parameter.
monitor_path The path in the http header like “/”. Mandatory parameter.
points The points to use.Split by ”,”.You can choose it from the list of your own grade. Mandatory parameter.
host The host from the http header like “www.dnspod.com”. Mandatory parameter.
keep_ttl TTL won’t be changed if this is set. Mandatory parameter.
sms_notice “me” for the owner,and “share” for the shared users.Split by ”,” if there are more than one like “me,share”. Mandatory parameter.
email_notice Same as the sms_notice.
less_notice {yes|no} Whether to just send one notice within one hour. Mandatory parameter.
callback_url The callback URL.All the data will be sent to this URL when the IP is down.For more details,please see the directions.Optional parameter.
callback_key The callback key.If “callback_url” is set up,you should set this up too for security.
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Modify -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&domain_id=2317346&monitor_id=51fc9a20-363c-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970&port=80&monitor_type=http&monitor_path=/&monitor_interval=360&points=ctc,cuc,cmc&bak_ip=pass'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 21:41:31" } }
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Modify -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&monitor_id=51fc9a20-363c-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 21:51:49" } }
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Info -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&monitor_id=e91997aa-3641-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:23:16" }, "info": { "monitor_id": "792626", "domain": "usertest.com", "domain_id": "15132", "domain_grade": "DP_Free", "record_id": "283118", "sub_domain": "eeee", "record_line": "Default", "ip": "", "now_ip": "", "host": "eeee.usertest.com", "port": "80", "monitor_type": "http", "monitor_path": "/", "monitor_interval": "180", "points": "hk-1,usa-1,ctc-4", "bak_ip": "auto", "status": "Ok", "status_code": "200", "sms_notice": "me", "email_notice": "me", "less_notice": "yes", "callback_url": "", "callback_key": "", "monitor_status": "enabled", "created_on": "2014-06-05 10:20:41", "updated_on": "2014-06-05 10:20:41", "bak_ip_status": [] } }
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Setstatus -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&monitor_id=03e3b268-3643-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970&status=disable'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 22:33:20" } }
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Setstatus -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&monitor_id=03e3b268-3643-11e2-bab7-0819a6248970&hours=1'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 22:40:02" }, "domain": { "id": "2317346", "domain": "testapi.com", "domain_grade": "D_Plus" }, "record": { "id": "16909160", "sub_domain": "@", "ip": "" }, "monitor_history": [ { "data": { "message": "ok", "code": 200, "data": [ { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:28:31", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:31:31", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:34:31", "responsetime": 999 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:37:31", "responsetime": 1 } ] }, "point": "ctc" }, { "data": { "message": "ok", "code": 200, "data": [ { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:28:52", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:31:52", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:34:52", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:37:52", "responsetime": 0 } ] }, "point": "cuc" }, { "data": { "message": "ok", "code": 200, "data": [ { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:30:07", "responsetime": 1 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:33:05", "responsetime": 0 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:36:06", "responsetime": 1 }, { "status": "Down", "status_code": -3, "createtime": "2012-11-24 22:39:06", "responsetime": 1 } ] }, "point": "cmc" } ] }
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Userdesc -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2012-11-24 22:50:14" }, "desc": { "unmoniting_count": 3, "moniting_count": 1, "down_count": 1 }, "user": { "max_count": 28, "use_count": 1 } }
curl -X POST https://api.dnspod.com/Monitor.Getdowns -d 'user_token=730060,e1a8a$f14dc5dcbafd83680b3d2a553c4d553d&format=json&offset=0&length=10'
Response Example:
{ "status": { "code": "1", "message": "Action completed successful", "created_at": "2014-06-05 10:25:04" }, "info": { "total_count": "1" }, "monitor_downs": [ { "down_id": "15132", "monitor_id": "792626", "host": "eeee.usertest.com", "record_line": "Default", "ip": "", "warn_reason": "Connection timed out", "switch_log": [ "2014-06-05 10:24:28 No available spare server to switch to" ], "created_on": "2014-06-05 10:23:14", "updated_on": "0000-00-00 00:00:00" } ] }